Alhamdulillah... ternyata banyak yg sayang dan perhatian y sm bunda... he he he. Secara
    bunda dpt bingkisan Taq dr tmn2 khususnya dr
    mbak Indah yg da lm bgt br bs bunda posting, maaf y mbak telat... bwt mbak Rita ,
    mbak Dian dan mama Talitha terimakasihy bwt bingkisan ramadhannya. Ayo ditunggu bingkisan lainnya bwt lebarannya.... y minimal bingkisan parcel jg gpp d. he he he *ngayal.com*. Btw, thanks so much love u all..... :)

    Didukung oleh: antownholic.blogspot.com, dee-adp.blogspot.com, pencakarlangit.blogspot.com, questionquince.blogspot.com,dessycherryponie.blogspot.com, berlia.blogspot.com,nazifnaseri.blogspot.com
    talithasya.blogspot.com, diarybundaradith.blogspot.com


    Alhamdulillah, lg2 bunda dapat Tag Poem neh dari Bunda Ibad, thanks a lot ya Bun... dikau sptnya ngefans berat neh sm daku coz selalu dikau ingat daku.... wekekeekkk.
    btw, neh kecupan sayang bwt dikau bun..... mmmuuuuuaaaahhhh

    We need friends for many reasons,
    all troughout the season.
    We need friends to comfort us
    When we are sad,
    and to have fun with us when we are glad.
    We need friends to give us good advice.
    We need someone we can count on,
    and treat us nice.
    We need friends to remember us
    one we have passed.

    sharing memories that will always last

    Spread the poem of friendship.
    1. Siraj 2. Asmus~Ark 3. Andiana 4. Indah 5. Nia 6. Netty 7. Bunda Radith

    Makasih y teman2 uda memberikan bunda bingkisan.... moga2 tali silaturrahmi kita mkn erat aza dan selalu terhubung spt slogannya Nokia Connecting People.... whoallllaahhhh

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